Tuesday, August 02, 2005


My Sis tagged me. I’ve never done one of these on a blog so here goes:

10 years ago: Had been married for nearly 6 months and still a year away from having Jeremy. We did have Goliath already though, and he was still cute and cuddly with not nearly so bad smelling puppy breath. We had moved into that house on the crane yard a couple of months prior. I was working at Convergys (actually it was still Matrixx Marketing then) and I was still on the phones taking calls for DIRECTV, though I had discovered I knew more about DIRECTV Policies, billing systems, and general info than my supervisor did at this point.

5 years ago: We had moved to Sandy in our double-wide manufactured home. I was working for Morgan Stanley Online and had just been offered the call routing job (or was about to be... it was sometime in July or August as I recall) where they made the mistake of training me to do what would eventually help me make more money somewhere else and to even go back and hire away the guy they replaced me with. Too bad for them that they canned me... but great for me! Was also still trying to get done with my AS in Computer Science, so life was pretty busy.

1 year ago: Quality of life has deffinitely gone up in the last 10 years... Back at Convergys doing ICM call Routing. "Top Dog" in the department and making good cash because I had been offered another job in Denver that Convergys had matched. I was teaching the 11-12 year olds in church and being their Assistant Scout Leader as well. Starting to feel old because Jeremy was now 8 and had just been baptized. Am I really old enough to have an 8 year old son?

Yesterday: Went to work at GE Consumer Finance, where I have been for the past 2 months. Did the normal stuff for a busy Monday, including followup on issues from the weekend, puting out 'Fires', joining conference calls, and trying to finish the web reporting application I have been building for the Technical Operations Center. Went to Wal-Mart and spent our life's savings as we usually do there... OK, not really our life's savings, but we always seem to spend a lot of money there! Read Scriptures with the family before bed and went to bed early (for me) because I had a headache.

Tomorrow: SSDD? Really, I'll come to work and do the norm... Read scriptures with the family, and Hopefully read some more from the Half Blood Prince with the family (we are about half way through and it's getting better as we go). Possibly do what I can to help us get ready to go camping on Friday as soon as I get home from work.

5 snacks I enjoy: Monkey Business ice-cream, Just about any other flavor of ice-cream in a bowl, ice-cream on a stick (like those orange dream-cicles, yum!), beef jerkey (the meat, since this is probably not a flavor of ice-cream that I would like), and ice-cream sandwiches. (Did I mention I like ice-cream)

5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs: This is a tough one really... See, I think I am getting old because I find myself listening to KSL news radio more frequently than I ever would have seen myself doing, and not to music all the time. I would have to say Alabama, I know a lot of They Might Be Giants, a bunch of Alan Jackson, Can anyone besides Danny Elfman say they really know most of Oingo-Boingo's songs? I'm at least familiar with a bunch of them, though I can't say I can follow most of the lyrics all the time (you know that one part in Goodbye where he goes really fast!), and Don Williams maybe?

5 things I'd do with $100,000,000: wouldn't this be easier to list 5 things I wouldn't do? Quit my job and just do some contract ICM jobs here and there for the sake of having work to do; Pay off everything we don't yet own (house, Jimmy, Trailer... that might be it for the list, so we would probably buy a couple of new cars instead of just paying off the Jimmy. That way we don't have to worry about car problems); Have the basement finished (see that... someone else will do the work because I can afford to make sure it's done the way we want it), Build a deck in the backyard (and yes I would do the building for the heck of it), along with some landscaping like some shade trees and such; Go on some exotic vacations. Have I used it all up yet?

5 locations I'd like to run away to: Mountains, Hawaii (at least once), A Disney theme park or two, maybe Europe so that I could say I have been (does that count as one place if several countries/cities are visited), The Moon or Mars (somewhere in space, really)

5 bad habits I have: Going to bed late, ignoring my yard until I absolutely have to mow it, forgetting to finish things,

5 things I like doing: Fixing things, Camping, Programming things on the computer, watching TV (unfortuneatly I am a junkie... I'll watch just about anything that is on if I get started), reading with the family

5 thing I will never wear: um... a dress, wait, Bryan and I did that once for a lipsync contest... nylons, oh, did that too to help get a wetsuit on when I went scuba diving... hmmm... Lets see then... Nipple rings (ok, that's one I haven't done yet), tampon (duh!), toupe, hopefully not dentures, speedo bikini bathing suit (at least not in public)

5 TV shows I like: Stargate SG-1, CSI, Smallville, The 4400, Still Standing... There's a bunch more. I have TiVo, what do you expect. I told you I was a junkie.

5 movies I like: Stargate, The Goonies, Lord of The Rings, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Young Frankenstien (just to name a few)

5 people I'd like to meet: Joseph Smith Jr., Matthew Broderick, Neil Armstrong, Mark Twain, Ben Franklin

5 biggest joys at the moment: Time off with my family, Sleeping in with my wife, 2 Kids that really are pretty good most of the time, ice-cream!, and sex (duh!)

5 favorite toys: Always Liked Legos, Magnetix (you know, those magnet toys), Johnny Jump-up (I totally want one of these for adults!), really big model train set like the one on Silver Spoons, A zipline (Would be cool to put one accross our yard)

1 tagged: Everyone I know with a blog has been tagged, so... Holly :) (you can either start your own blog or comment mine or start one of those email 'getting to know you' things with this list), and anyone else that feels so inclined...


At August 02, 2005 3:26 PM, Blogger Beck said...

I almost sprayed my drink all over my monitor when you said "tampon". That's some funny Shite.

At August 03, 2005 1:10 PM, Blogger Holly said...

I really enjoy sleeping in with you too, but I really like cuddling in the morning even better. Thanks for tagging me. I love you!

At August 03, 2005 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya the tampon thing was totally...well FUNNY!

At August 04, 2005 1:09 PM, Blogger Beck said...

Dood, how'd you get the cool wipe effect to get to your webpage??

At August 05, 2005 10:34 AM, Blogger failproof said...

Pretty cool, eh? I sent you an email explaining it. Didn't want to tell the whole world my "secrets"! (like anyone couldn't find it by hitting Google). Actually I gave you more detail than I wanted to leave in a comment.


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