Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Word of the Day

Ran across one of those words I've never heard before: proscenium
(listening to a CD full of They Might Be Giants MP3's... Ever hear the song Bangs? <--Thanks Jana for the link. The song is actually reminiscent of their Flood album's style.)
This brings me to a thought I've had before...There are a lot of words in the dictionary, but are they all there yet? The dictionary just keeps getting bigger because someone makes up a word for something new and everyone starts using it.
Numbers are infinite, so what about words? And if so, what happens if you start to run out of possible combinations of letters to spell words? Does that just mean that the number of letters in a word just gets larger like the number of digits in a really big number? Spelling Bees take weeks to complete because words are so damn long. And if those words are still short, as far as pronouncing them, then do most letters in a word become silent? (remember the silent 'e' clip from Sesame Street? "You can turn can into a cane...") or do we just eventually start talking in numbers like computers because we have become so advanced by then... or maybe we just become telepaths so that we don't communicate in words but rather in ideas and concepts? But will that be because we have 802.11z wireless chips implanted in our heads or because we just know how to use that 90% of the brain they say we don't use?

In any case, I kind of liked the song... Better get back to winding a piece of string around a rock.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Is this Sacrilege?

  In the beginning Al Gore created the Google and the Blogger.

  And the Blogger was without form, and void; and "Page Cannot Be Displayed" was upon the face of the blogspot. And failproof moved upon the face of the Blogger Dashboard.

  And Al Gore said, let there be a new post: and there was a new post.

  And Al Gore saw the post that it was good (or at least good enough): and Al Gore updated the blogspot with the new post in place of the "Page Cannot Be Displayed".

  And Al Gore called the post a blog, and the "Page Cannot Be Displayed" he called the Internet (after all, Al created all this... or was that Ala?). And the evening and the morning where my first Blog.

or something like that... So now I have posted. Plus I learned that I can send Pics/Text from my phone to some email address and then figure out how to add it to my blogs, so maybe I can keep it semi-updated.