Top 10 Happiness Catalysts
Along time ago in a blog not so far away... (I started this on 9/21)
Tagged by my wonderful wife.
These 10 things induce happy behaviors in me, such as smiles, dancing in my seat (or even on my feet), and general feelings of euphoria. They are not numbered because putting all of them in order was near impossible.
- Loving Holly
- One of my kids calling me at work to tell me something they are excited about
- Ice-cream!
- Being surprised by Holly!
- Teaching other people something that I know, and seeing them 'get it'.
- Finishing something I made with my hands and tools (even better when I get to use power tools!)
- That rushing feeling you get on the Rocket at Lagoon (or similar rides elsewhere)
- Solving a particularly challenging problem, like how to get a web page I'm building to do what I wanted it to do
- Time with the family doing things we enjoy together, like watching Smallville.
- When I can do something that makes someone else laugh, especially when I intended it to be funny :)
The list could go on, it was hard to narrow it down to this and I'm sure there are things that I'd rank above some of these... I just needed to get it done so my blog didn't feel neglected anymore.
Way to go - you always have good things to say.
I am glad that it makes you happy to love me. It makes me happy to know that you love me. Also, I love surprising you and I glad to hear that it makes you happy when I do this.:)
I also enjoy learning new things from you becasue you are so dang smart! Keep on teaching me so I can keep on learning new things in this world!
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