Wouldnt it be great if you could blog from anywhere? Even while you were sitting in church or a meeting! Oh wait, I can! There are some perks to having to wear a pager (even if they are small ones.) I'll try and get to a real blog this week though. Cheers!
Dude, you're so cool. I idolize you. Wish I had a pager I could blog with in church. I guess I at least I have a baby that cries and gives me an excuse to get up and go out!
Yes, he gets to blog at church and I get to listen to the lessons and speakers. If I had a pager, I could blog at church AND listen to the lessons and speakers because I know how to multi-task. I guess that is okay that I get to listen at church because I probably need it more than Dave does anyway. Also, one of us has to be the example to the kids. :)
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